Sunday, January 14, 2024

January Update 2

 I finished reading the Gideon Oliver series.  

Or at least the ones I have. I don't always keep the whole series, just the ones I like the most and re-read them when I get in this mood.

Now I've started the Jazzi Zanders series again and I've got all of them 'cause I loved each one.  I skipped the first book though and started with the second. What can I tell you I just wasn't in the mood for the first one...

here's the link if you're interested in seeing what I'm reading

Jazzi Zanders

Monday, January 1, 2024

January Update

 I've been re-reading my Gideon Oliver books. 

I've been restless and really not in the mood to read any of the books on my TBR list so I went to some old favorites. I'm over my fanfic obsession for now and want to get back into my TBR pile.  But nothing struck me so I'm doing some re-reading. 

Here is the link to the series page if you want to see what I'm reading.

Gideon Oliver