Sunday, April 30, 2023

A Jot

Update: May 25--Finished Magebreakers 2.   

After I read Always Faithful, I decided to catch up with some of my series. So first up was the Jazzi Zander series Book 10 which just came out and I read it in two days. Book 2 of the Magebreaker series is up next but after that I'm unsure what I'm going to read. 

So I don't know if I'll do some more catch up books or a series starter for May.

I've also been working on my WIP. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Jerry McNeal series

 Jerry McNeal series by Sherry A Burton

Always Faithful

4 Star

This is a paranormal murder mystery with a ghost, a ghost dog to be exact. And this particular prequel novella introduces you to Jerry McNeal, a man with a very special gift. He became a state trooper so he could use his gift to help people. 

The prologue didn't WOW me, but the first chapter was good so I kept reading. I enjoyed this prequel enough that it interested me in wanting to read the next book to see if I'll like the whole series or not. If I do it will be another book series to add to my ever growing TBR list.