Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October update

 Still on Lackey's Mage Storm trilogy, book 2.

Though I may switch over to a serial killer book. I saw it on Amazon the other night and got the first book on my tablet in my TBR list. It's the Asylum Confessions by Jack Steen. The books sound disturbing enough to read for October Horror Daze. Serial Killers and the like confessing to the prison's angel of death.  Though I may wait until closer to Halloween.

If you want to check them out, Here is the link: Asylum confession files

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September Update

 Still on the second book in Lackey's Mage Storm trilogy.

My muse has been doing other things and leaving me hanging on my writing and reading. But then I'm not really in a hurry, I don't have to be somewhere like a job, so it doesn't matter if I take time off. Well, except for my writing, I should have had one book pubbed already and the other half way done. Neither is done. 

However I have added to my TBR list. There were some freebie first in series that I snagged when I was going through Kindle. Which I do periodically to do this very thing. I may latch onto one and read--if my muse gets out of her funk and gets back to her REAL job.  :)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August Update

 On the second book in Lackey's Storm trilogy. 

Taking my time and my muse is doing other things. She's supposed to be writing but she's messing around with wood and paint and metal. So I'm behind on reading and writing. But I am making things. At least that's something. :)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July Take 2

 AS I've said I've been in the mood to reread a few of Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books.  So I hunted my library and downloaded one from the Mage Storms Trilogy.  It was the first one I came to on my search. I used to have it in paperback but now only in ebook since I had to downgrade my physical library when I moved back home.  I only have 1/16th of what I had now in physical books. But I do have a lot of ebooks in my TBR. However I'd rather have the physical book.

If you're interested in reading Lackey's Mage Storms Trilogy again or for the first time go Here

Monday, July 1, 2024

July Update

 I still haven't finished the Starman Saga. I've put it aside for right now because I promised to read one of CC Brown's books. I meet the two who write under this name at a Writer's Conference I went to the first weekend of June.  I applied for their book club so I'll see if I get accepted. But I told them I'd read one of their books and review so they'd know I'd read it like I promised.  They write paranormal mystery.

I choose one of the books set in near by Arkansas. I live in Missouri. If you're interested click here .

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June Update

 I'm still on Starman's Saga. I've been trying to finish my Time-Lost series Vella Emergent. 5 more chapter/episodes should do it. I want it published by August so I have it for my hometown craft festival in September.  

I've been in the mood to reread a few of Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books. But as I said I've been busy. However I saw an ad for one of her anthologies and dropped one into my TBR ebook list. 

If you're interested:

Valdemar Anthologies 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Update

 I'm half way through the Starman Saga. I would have been finished and on to another book but I've been messing with my Vella stories and reading some fanfiction. I hate charging up my tablet every time I want to read an ebook. I read for three hours and I have to recharge. Oh, well.

Any way I have added a few ebooks to my ebook TBR list. One is the Jenny Black Wolf series with strong but flawed MFC and an alien MMC. It's sci-fi but the covers are definitely not to market. They're more regular fiction looking but the blurb caught my attention so they're on the list. 

If you're interested :  Jenny Black Wolf book 1